Monday, September 27, 2010

Zombies, Zombies, Everywhere! (The Concise Version)

I have been on and off in reading a particualr piece of fiction lately. World War Z. It is not a simple bloody/gory mess, it is a commentary on the reaction of the populous when faced with possible extinction. There are many points where I ask myself, "Is this how we would really deal with this kind of problem?" The answer: I truly don't know. If a Zombie were to come knocking down my door, however, you better believe I would have my baseball bat handy (But Cory, you can only kill a "Zed Head" by destroying the brain!). This piece isn't simple minded stuff, either. We as readers of the piece are faced with themes of family destruction and the death of a society (Zombies fulfilling that metaphor). Would our government know how to deal with such an event? This is the scariest part about reading this political thriller. Our own system becomes more horrifying than the Zombie War. In essence, we are the problem in the story. We are the walking dead, waiting for some way to be rescued from the living hell on earth. The walking afterlife are everywhere, and World War Z takes you right into the heat of the battle. Pick this one up, if you enjoy political insight and a great horror story. I know you'll love it. That's it for the Zombies, time to go to bed (Mommy, please tuck me in, I'm so scared of the monsters roaming the streets!).

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