Thursday, September 30, 2010


Though I do not consider my poetry skills to be awe-inspiring, this is a little piece I wrote a while ago when I was going through something very tough. I feel I should share these feelings with you, because expression is emotional release:

O, Life,
We watch it pass us by,
On steel tipped wings above.
Our hope is in one another, and nothing else,
We hold tight to our memories,
Because they are all we have left.
It is our hope in the darkest hour,
That binds us together,
For we are nothing without one another.
O, blissful life,
What are we without the ones we trust,
Stranded somewhere out at sea,
With wounds that will not heal.
O, desolate darkness,
Where has your sting gone?
The light you fight has you far outweighed,
Even when all seems faint,
The pillar of life shall be replaced.
O, Daunting Death,
When this land threatens to fade to gray,
We shall swim for the chapel,
Against the current of our dismay.

I thank you with everything I am for sharing in this moment with me, it means very much to me.

Photo above was shot by me.

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